Making a Difference – School Supply Drive

We have been holding our Annual School Supply Drive every August for the last decade. It lasts one month before we drop off our supplies and gift certificates during the first or second week of September when school begins. This year we are supporting Central Middle School. We want your support because we feel that there is nothing more important than helping one another.
Life can be at times so wonderful and other times so challenging. If you’re reading this now there is a good chance that you have the freedom and luxury of safety, more than enough food, and the means to take vacations and look after yourself and perhaps others. Being raised and educated in North Canada has afforded us this but we also have made the choice to live how we choose and some of us have had a little luck as well.
I am one of those lucky people. I didn’t get this way by accident; I’ve been helped, supported, guided, encouraged and inspired by many people over my life, and I continue to be to this day. I feel the best about myself and life when I’m helping others. Jean Béliveau, the former Montréal Canadiens Captain during their dynasty, said:
“We had a great bunch of fellows. It’s probably one of the main reasons why we had so much success here in this room. We had a great family atmosphere among the players. When somebody was going through a difficult time, we would all rally around him. If it was on the ice, and sometimes personal problems, the players would be there to help because we knew that if he wasn’t performing according to what the player was able to produce, it would directly benefit all of us (to help that player through it.)”
Most of us will never reach the status of Jean Béliveau or Mother Teresa but it doesn’t mean we can’t make a positive impact. We may tend toward selfishness, but it often goes against our benefit and that of others in the long run. When people around us have success in life, be it happiness, health, wealth, or love we all benefit. If any one of us fell upon hard times it sure would be nice to have a team (friends and family) of people there to help get us back on our feet. Little things like a smile, listening, lending a helping hand and yes school supply drives make a difference.
Together we are so much greater than if we try at life alone. Thank you for your support with our school supply drive!
All the best,
Victoria Family Chiropractic
3200 Shelbourne St Suite 203 (250) 592-5553
7:30am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 7:00pm
7:30am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 7:00pm
7:30am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Victoria Family Chiropractic
3200 Shelbourne St Suite 203
Victoria, BC V8P 5G8